

Business Distribution

  After years of pragmatic, pioneering and hard work, the company ranks among the strongest competitors in Shanghai, both in assessing business volume, in assessing quality and corporate reputation. At present, the company's business covers 29 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions.


Thanks to the IQNET certification, the evaluation report can be recognized by 39 countries and regions around the world. In 2005 and 2007, our company was commissioned by the SIIC Group to evaluate its assets in St. Petersburg, Russia. In the process of evaluation, our company dispatched professional evaluators with certain foreign language proficiency to actively communicate with overseas intermediaries; with the support of the entrusting party and the asset occupants, our company issued a high-quality evaluation report, which was obtained by both parties. highly recognition.

The port of Zeebrugge, Belgium is a world famous port. In June 2007, our company was commissioned by Shanghai International Port Group to dispatch assessment personnel to Belgium for research and evaluation. The evaluation report has been approved by the Port Authority and overseas institutions, and has been well received by all partners.

In recent years, our company has carried out a number of overseas evaluation projects every year.

慈溪市| 安吉县| 突泉县| 林芝县| 大丰市| 正宁县| 诸暨市| 济源市| 璧山县| 合水县| 视频| 伊川县| 博兴县| 遂溪县| 梁平县| 大庆市| 潼关县| 正镶白旗| 贵阳市| 绥中县| 宜兰县| 霍山县| 邵武市| 新和县| 万荣县| 长治县| 灌云县| 吕梁市| 曲阳县| 安吉县| 绥化市| 无为县| 宽甸| 新津县| 鸡泽县| 桑日县| 大厂| 绥江县| 万源市| 霸州市| 高密市|